View of Rotherham South Yorkshire

Media Relations

Media Relations

Media Relations servicesMedia relations is the beating heart of our business. We deliver long-term strategic campaigns or short-term support, depending on your needs.

Cannon PR works proactively with the media on a daily basis. We understand media relations is much more than simply writing press releases; it’s about creating meaningful opportunities for others to engage with you.

Storytelling is a fundamental part of our media relations services. Our team’s professional writing abilities and network of media contacts ensures your exciting developments are captured in media-friendly news which pricks up the ears of journalists.

We enjoy good working relationships with many journalists based throughout Yorkshire and beyond and our work frequently contributes to shaping the local, regional and national news agenda.

As an established public relations agency, covering Sheffield, Rotherham & throughout South Yorkshire, we know the importance of creating attention-grabbing headlines and our approach balances creativity and credibility – delivering the all-important ‘news hook’ whilst ensuring the vital key messages of the story aren’t lost.

Our core media relations services include:

  • Identifying media opportunities within your organisation
  • Writing and distributing press releases, comment and commissioned feature articles
  • Working closely with journalists, bloggers and social media influencers
  • Connecting your business with journalists

Cannon PR’s media relations services deliver everything your business needs to reach out and engage with others, but we also go above and beyond the norm. Our approach gives you complete control over the information which is shared with the media.


Every story begins with an idea. We will help you to identify potential media opportunities within your organisation, ensuring these are closely aligned with your own business strategy.


We are responsible for the writing of all planned media stories, translating an idea into a tangible opportunity to share your success.


Suitable photo opportunities are identified to accompany your story.


We don’t believe simply emailing the generic mailbox of a media publication is good enough. When it comes to distribution, we share our stories with targeted, named individuals.


Think the job is done after a story has been distributed?  Think again! We monitor the media on your behalf, sharing where and when the story has appeared. In addition to this, we monitor requests we receive from journalists and share these with you!


Our work is accompanied by a formal monthly evaluation report, keeping you informed of the progress and success stories we have achieved.

Traditional print vs digital PR

Many agencies make a distinction between traditional print-based media relations and digital PR. We don’t: a good story is a good story. Regardless of where it targets, the same rules apply!

That’s why our core media relations services deliver both traditional media relations and digital PR together, creating opportunities to help you engage with journalists, bloggers and social media influencers alike.

Our Services

Simple, effective and results-driven

Ready to tell your story?

Find out how we can help you